Sunday, November 25, 2012

Writing Letters and Extravagent Adventures

This previous week, our class has been focusing on how to write a letter. We are preparing ourselves to write letters to Santa. In fact, we're actually sending them to the North Pole!

Our children have been working on what a letter looks like and the three components to it.
1) Dear ____________
2) Body
3) Signing off

We looked at a few samples, and will be receiving Elf letters each week! (shhh... keep that a secret parents :) )

We also had a student spend the week in Florida at Disney World! Oh how I wish we all got the chance to go. Perhaps he can put me in his suitcase next time... Here are some pictures of his excellent presentation.


Friday, November 16, 2012

Sense of Touch

Phew, student led conferences are finally done and now its time to take a nice deep breath... until report cards!

SES grade 1 kiddies are working hard on using their sense of touch. Last week, we did a touch activity where students placed their hands into mystery bags and mystery socks. I had quite the good laugh with some of their reactions and their imagintive thinking.

Yuck! What is in that?!
It was interesting what the children guessed. I used jello, cold spaghetti, mashed banana, pudding and glue in the mystery bags. They had to describe what they felt on their recording sheet.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Our Class Surprise

Our class was shifted all over the school on Thursday November 8. The kids were in much anticipation to wondering why we weren't in our room. Using the clues that they saw (the white board was removed), they came up with:

Jack: We're getting a chalk board?
Amaani: They're cleaning the wall
Erin: They're painting the walls!
Kobey: Are we getting a smart board?

Here are the much anticipated looks before walking into the room

As I slowly led them into the classroom, they saw the surprise! We got a smartboard!

Look how excited they are!