Sunday, February 23, 2014

100th Day Activities

I apologize for the extra late posts lately. So much has happened at school and my personal life. I've been away for a week due to lung infection and have been busy planning away for my wedding! So you can almost imagine how much time I have after work.

Nevertheless, we celebrated 100th day on February 12. The kids had so much fun in their pajamas working on different centers. Take a look!

Skip Counting by 10s and making 100th day necklaces

Making 100th Glasses. Becoming 100th day wiser :)

Decorating Monster boxes for Valentine's Day

All Ready to Parrrrtay!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Spirit Week Schedule

Monday February 10

Hat Day

Tuesday February 11
Neon Day

  • Mass (A.M.) 
  • Victor Wyatt Presentation (P.M.)

Wednesday February 12
Pajama Day
  • 100th Day Celebration (A.M)
  • School-wide Movie (P.M.)
Thursday February 13
Formal Day
(No heels for the girls, as they will be participating in gym activities)
  • Jump Rope for Heart (A.M.)
  • Class party (in between events)
  • Valentine's Dance (P.M.)
Friday February 14

Class Party House Rules:

Students can bring treats to share with all their friends if they would like to. This may include muffins, cupcakes, cookies, or candy (please limit the amount here, or we'd be having some sugar-high-bouncing-crazy kids :) ) We have a class of 23 students and 4 adults. 

Please ensure that all items are peanut free. We will be having the class party after Jump Rope for Heart.