Monday, June 9, 2014

Week of June 16

We only have one more week of spelling, weekend webs, and book reports! Horray! We survived all that homework, and are ready to take on more challenges for Grade 2!

Feedback is welcome for any of these activites. Did your child enjoy a particular one? Did your child not like a particular one? Or did you child really enjoy having work to do? Feedback is welcome through email, or in the comment section of the post on the blog!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Children's Museum

Sorry for the delay!

I've been having a few busy days with playing catch up. With being sick with some gross nasty cold, assessment time and the lovely beautiful summer days, it's been piling up like dirty dishes. Anyways, our grade 1 class along with the kindergarten class had a wonderful and lovely day at the Children's Museum on May 23!

We had a workshop on needs and wants, as well as building a habitat. The kids sure had lots of fun! (Last two pictures: courtesy of Mrs. Sachdev!)