Thursday, February 21, 2013

Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful...

And the fire is so delightful.... if only we could go away... Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!! (And freeze)

We didn't have any fires at school, but we did have a super cold beginning to our week. We had indoor recesses for so many days and we also had some kids coming back from their warm vacations. We got to enjoy their warm pictures of sunny skies, no snow, underwater swimming, hunchback whale seeing, sand and sea shells.

Jack and Noah each did a presentation of their vacation pictures. Even though it was so cold, our hearts were warmed up by their beautiful smiles.

Watching the Hunchback Whale video

Noah and Joelle conversing in a conversation about personal connections to Florida.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February Festivities

We started off our CRAZY busy month with a guest reader who plays table tennis and was once competing in the Olympics up in the Yukon. The kids were so excited to hear about Freddie's adventures.

On February 11, our class celebrated Chinese New Year. This year is the Year of the Snake. We celebrated with watching the Lion Dance, reading about how the Chinese Zodiac animals came along, and we also decorated snakes. We have snakes hanging off the classroom ceiling now!

We also celebrated 100th day by decorating glasses and making a necklace out of 100 cheerios! Boy was that fun!

Here are some pictures of our much anticipated and fun activities:
 Cutting out the circles to our 100 Day Sorting Mat
 Cheerios all sorted out and ready to string on!

Happy 100th Day!


Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy Groundhog's Day!

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

 700 lbs!

Tomorrow will be Groundhog's Day and our kids are so excited to see whether the groundhog will see its shadow or not! We've been spending three days on studying what the groundhog eats, what it does during the winter, what it likes to do, who its enemies are, and what the symbolic meaning of a groundhog is to us Winnipegers! We truly don't want any more -40 weather. So lets all pray and cross our fingers that we have Spring soon!

We've been monitoring a Canadian groundhog from Nova Scotia named Sam. He will be the first to predict whether we will have early Spring. Feel free to watch it at home!

Happy Groundhog's Day!!!