Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy Groundhog's Day!

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

 700 lbs!

Tomorrow will be Groundhog's Day and our kids are so excited to see whether the groundhog will see its shadow or not! We've been spending three days on studying what the groundhog eats, what it does during the winter, what it likes to do, who its enemies are, and what the symbolic meaning of a groundhog is to us Winnipegers! We truly don't want any more -40 weather. So lets all pray and cross our fingers that we have Spring soon!

We've been monitoring a Canadian groundhog from Nova Scotia named Sam. He will be the first to predict whether we will have early Spring. Feel free to watch it at home!

Happy Groundhog's Day!!!

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