Thursday, June 13, 2013

Canola Farm Field Trip/ Year End

How fun was the Canola Farm? Take a look at the pictures!

Welcome to Kelburn Farm!

 Getting a good feel of what Canola seeds are like

Crushing canola seeds to make oil

 Phew, after a long day of learning inside, we finally get to go outside.

 At the wetlands enjoying a floating dock... or Ms. Liu getting sick from motion sickness!

We had a blast! Thanks to all the parent volunteers. This field trip couldn't happen without you guys!

Year End Happenings

  • I will be packing up the classroom very soon. You will notice that your child will be coming home with some things like: Term 2 work, Term 3 portfolio, remaining supplies that you purchased for your child, Journal, Phonics book, and a few duotangs. 
  • Last day of school: School bag is to be brought to school in case your child has forgotten to bring something home. We will also be doing a farewell/ birthday party for the students who are leaving St. Emile School, and for the summer birthday kids. I kindly ask that parents don't bring anything that day. I will have treats provided for the students. 

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