Sunday, September 29, 2013

Spelling Begins!

Starting September 30, your child will be coming home with spelling words to practice. I will be sending home a homework checklist (found at the beginning of your purple spelling folder) of when to practice your spelling words. Words will be distributed on Monday's (or Tuesday if there is no school on Monday). Every Friday, the children will be doing spelling tests. Please prepare your child ahead of time for the test. Your child will get a reward sticker if they get 8/10 or more. It is expected that they complete their homework every week. All spelling booklets must stay in the purple folder.

Below is an attached picture of how Rainbow Spelling works:

1) Selected spelling word goes under "word"
2) Practice writing the "word" in pencil
3) Practice writing the "word" in any colour marker
4) Practice writing the "word" in pen

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please make sure all homework is done in pencil except Rainbow Spelling

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