Monday, October 7, 2013

Science: The Season of Fall

In science we have been working on what the season of fall is all about. We got to go on a leaf hunt, sort through our leaves, learn about why leaves lose their colour and make colourful fall leaves in art!

This is what Fall reminds us of:
  • leaves fall
  • close to winter
  • leaves change colours
  • starts to get gold
  • Halloween
  • Birthday
  • flowers die
  • rake leaves/ have fun in leaves
  • drink hot drinks

We did an experiment on why leaves change colour where we took 2 foam cups filled with soil. We poked a few holes in the bottom and we put one cup in the freezer and the other cup in room temperature. The next day, we added a few drops of blue food colouring to water and poured water through both cups. What do you think happened to the water in the frozen cup? What about the room temperature cup?

  • Manjit: Leaves can't be cold
  • Tyson: different seasons, leaves change
  • Alexa: leaves need healthy roots to live. In the fall, the temperatures become cold and the roots die
  • Madison L/ Noah F.: Water, food, temperature needed for the leaf live
  • Evey L: Health soil, healthy tree
We know that leaves lose their moisture and eventually they die off!

Well... after a few comments and some ideas stirring in the pot, here were our conclusions to why leaves change colours and eventually lose their colours.

Look at our fun jobs for the Season of Fall:

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