Monday, October 21, 2013

Social Studies and Science Inquiry: Homes

Based on the interest of the children, we have decided to expand our thinking and learning on homes! This month and November, we will be learning about the types of homes, the key features of homes, and who lives in homes. The best part about this is a building home challenge!

Students will need to build a home out of recycled materials of their choice. The requirements of the homes are: waterproof and windproof. I'm so excited by just the thought of it! I cannot wait until we actually start the building process... but wait! We have to do the planning job first. Please keep on checking our class blog for our future builders and their pictures. 

We do need some help though. We need to collect these following items to help us build:
  1. scrap fabric (unwanted fabric that you may have)
  2.  plastic (anything that is see-through and recyclable) 

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